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Music can also be heard at Cam's Bandcamp site
Save My Soul (Symphony No. 3) (2012) The films below are from the video installation that accompanies the album's release. "Simple Fate" "I Was Lost" "Save My Soul" "Desolation" "Some Kind Of Peace" The Coralinas - Free Energy (2010) "Solitude" edited version "Hey, Future!" edited version Dark Times (Symphony No. 2) (2008) "I Surrender" "Thunderstorms A'Coming" "In A Lifetime" and some earler albums: "Austro-Pacific" edited version from Healing Feelings (2007) "Does Your River Run Deep" edited version from See (Symphony No. 1) (2006) "Exist" edited version from See (Symphony No. 1) (2006) "Today, Troubles Seem Far Away" from Go Slow (2005) "Lonely World" from Crazy Dreams (2003)